Type of Disputes

As a student, you may encounter various disputes during your academic journey. These disputes can be stressful and overwhelming, whether a disagreement over grades, a housing issue, or a disciplinary action. At our student dispute resolution website, we understand students’ challenges and are here to help. Our website provides valuable resources and guidance to help you navigate these disputes effectively and find resolution. From understanding your rights and options to accessing mediation and arbitration services, our website is your one-stop for all your dispute resolution needs.

Housing disputes can arise when students live in on-campus dormitories or off-campus housing and disagree with roommates, landlords, or property managers. These types of disputes can be particularly challenging, as they involve personal living spaces and can impact students’ quality of life and safety. Common examples of housing disputes include:


  • Disputes with roommates: Students may have disagreements with roommates over cleanliness, noise levels, sharing common spaces, or other issues related to living
  • Disputes with landlords or property managers: Students may have issues with landlords or property managers related to renting, maintenance, safety, or other aspects of their living


To resolve housing disputes, students can take several steps, including:

  • Reviewing the lease agreement and school policies related to housing to understand their rights and
  • Communicating directly with the roommate, landlord, or property manager involved in the dispute to attempt to resolve it
  • Documenting the dispute, including any communication or evidence, in case it needs to be used in future legal
  • Seeking mediation services from the school or a neutral third party to resolve the dispute peacefully and mutually acceptable.
  • Seeking legal assistance if the dispute cannot be resolved through other


In addition, students can take steps to prevent housing disputes from arising in the first place, such as:

  • Communicating openly and respectfully with roommates and landlords to establish clear expectations and boundaries.
  • Keeping living spaces clean and tidy to minimize conflicts with
  • Reporting maintenance issues or safety concerns to landlords or property managers


Students can better navigate these challenges by understanding the causes and potential resolutions of housing disputes and ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment. Leasing is a common aspect of


housing disputes that students may encounter, whether in on-campus dormitories or off-campus housing. Lease agreements are legally binding contracts that outline the terms and conditions of the rental arrangement between a tenant (the student) and a landlord or property manager. Disputes related to leasing can arise from various issues, such as rent increases, lease violations, repairs and maintenance responsibilities, security deposit disputes, or termination of the lease.


When facing a leasing dispute, it’s crucial for students to carefully review the lease agreement to understand their rights and responsibilities. This includes knowing the lease terms, payment obligations, maintenance responsibilities, and procedures for terminating the lease. It’s also essential to be aware of relevant local laws and regulations that govern lease agreements in the specific area where the housing is located.


To resolve leasing disputes, students can take several steps, including:


Communicating with the landlord or property manager: Students should try to communicate directly with the landlord or property manager involved in the dispute in a respectful and proactive manner. This may involve discussing the issue, presenting evidence or documentation, and seeking a mutually acceptable resolution.


Seeking mediation services: Many schools or local organizations offer mediation services to resolve leasing disputes in a neutral and impartial setting. Mediation can be a helpful way to facilitate communication and negotiation between the parties involved and find a mutually agreeable solution.


Documenting the dispute: Students need to record all communication and evidence related to the leasing dispute. This includes written correspondence, emails, receipts, photographs, and other relevant documentation. This documentation may be useful if the dispute escalates and legal action is necessary.


Knowing your rights: Students should familiarize themselves with their rights as tenants under local housing laws and regulations. This includes understanding the legal requirements for security deposits, repairs and maintenance, lease termination, and other lease-related matters.


In addition to resolving leasing disputes, students can also take preventive measures to avoid disputes in the first place. This includes thoroughly reviewing and understanding the lease agreement before signing, keeping a copy of the lease, maintaining open communication with the landlord or property manager, promptly reporting any issues or concerns, and complying with the lease terms and local housing regulations.


Overall, understanding the potential leasing disputes that can arise and taking proactive steps to address and prevent them can help students have a smooth and positive housing experience during their time as students.

Financial disputes can arise when students cannot pay tuition fees or are not receiving the financial aid they are entitled to. This can cause stress and financial hardship for students and their families. Common examples of financial disputes include:


Late or missed payments: Students may face financial disputes if they cannot pay tuition fees on time, which can lead to late fees or even suspension from school.


Disputes over financial aid: Students may have conflicts with schools over financial aid packages, such as if they believe they are entitled to more aid or if their aid is reduced without explanation.


To resolve financial disputes, students can take several steps, including:


  • Communicating with the school’s financial aid office to understand their options and potential
  • Exploring alternative funding options, such as scholarships or student
  • Seeking support from financial advisors or counselors to manage debt and financial
  • Building a budget and financial plan to manage expenses and prioritize


In addition, students can take steps to prevent financial disputes from arising in the first place, such as:

  • Researching and understanding the costs of attending school, including tuition, fees, and other
  • Applying for financial aid and scholarships early and
  • Communicating proactively with the school’s financial aid office about any financial circumstances or needs

Discrimination and harassment disputes can arise when a student feels that they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment based on their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. These disputes can severely impact students’ mental health, academic performance, and well-being. Common examples of discrimination and harassment disputes include:


  • Bullying or harassment by other students or school staff: Students may be subjected to verbal, physical, or emotional abuse by peers or staff members based on their
  • Denial of educational opportunities or accommodations: Students may face discrimination if they are denied access to specific programs, activities, or resources based on their
  • Retaliation for reporting discrimination or harassment: Students may face negative consequences or retaliation if they report discrimination or


To resolve discrimination and harassment disputes, students can take several steps, including:

  • Reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment to school administrators, counselors, or other support staff.
  • Documenting any incidents or evidence of discrimination or harassment, such as emails or witness
  • Seeking legal support or advocacy from external organizations or
  • Pursuing mediation or other dispute resolution processes with the


In addition, students can take steps to prevent discrimination and harassment disputes from arising in the first place, such as:

  • Educating themselves and others about diversity, equity, and
  • Speaking up and advocating for themselves and others experiencing discrimination or harassment.
  • Supporting and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups and
  • Holding themselves and others accountable for creating a safe and inclusive environment for all

Disciplinary disputes can arise when a student faces disciplinary action or suspension from school for violating school policies. Common examples of disciplinary disputes include:


  • Violating school rules or codes of conduct, such as cheating, fighting, or substance


  • Disrupting classes or school activities, such as disrespecting teachers or causing a
  • Engaging in illegal or criminal behavior on school grounds or at school-sponsored


To resolve disciplinary disputes, students can take several steps, including:

  • Reviewing and understanding their school’s disciplinary policies and
  • Seeking legal or advocacy support if
  • Responding to disciplinary allegations in a timely and respectful
  • Providing evidence or explanations to support their actions and refute the


In addition, students can take steps to prevent disciplinary disputes from arising in the first place, such as:

  • Understanding and following school rules and codes of
  • Being respectful to teachers, classmates, and school
  • Avoiding illegal or criminal behavior on school grounds or at school-sponsored
  • Seeking help or guidance if they struggle with personal or academic issues may lead to disciplinary

Accessibility disputes can arise when a student with a disability is not provided with reasonable accommodations or is denied access to certain facilities or programs. Common examples of accessibility disputes include:



  • Inadequate physical access to school buildings or facilities, such as inaccessible entrances or lack of ramps or
  • There is inadequate access to educational materials, such as textbooks or online resources, due to a lack of alternative formats or assistive
  • Denial of accommodations or modifications, such as extended time on tests or note-taking


To resolve accessibility disputes, students can take several steps, including:


  • Contacting the school’s disability services office to request accommodations and
  • Providing documentation of their disability and the need for accommodations or
  • Advocating for their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability rights
  • Seeking legal or advocacy support if


In addition, schools can take steps to prevent accessibility disputes from arising in the first place, such as:

  • Providing training and education to staff and faculty on disability rights and
  • Conducting regular accessibility audits of school facilities and
  • Ensuring all school materials and resources are available in alternative formats and compatible with assistive
  • Encouraging open communication and collaboration with students with disabilities to identify and address accessibility

Conflict can arise when students disagree with school administrators over policies or decisions. Common examples of conflict with administration include:


  • Disagreements over school policies or rules include dress codes or disciplinary


  • Disagreements over housing
  • Disagreements over administrative decisions, such as budget cuts or program


To resolve conflicts with the administration, students can take several steps, including:


  • Respectfully and productively communicate with school administrators to express their concerns and seek
  • Seeking support from teachers, counselors, or other school staff to advocate on their
  • Petitioning for change through student government or other student
  • Seeking legal or advocacy support if


In addition, schools can take steps to prevent conflicts with administration from arising in the first place, such as:

  • Providing regular opportunities for student feedback and input on school policies and
  • Ensuring that school policies and decisions are transparent and communicated clearly to
  • Encouraging open communication and collaboration between students and administrators to identify and address issues early


We are here to provide helpful information and resources for resolving disputes and conflicts that may arise as a student. One area of concern for students we address is employment disputes or conflicts, which can occur in various educational settings, such as universities, colleges, or vocational schools.



You may encounter employment disputes or conflicts with your educational institution or employer as a student. These disputes can arise from various situations, such as disagreements about job responsibilities, working conditions, wages, hours, or employment contracts. Resolving employment disputes or conflicts can be complex and challenging, but our website aims to provide you with valuable guidance and resources to help you navigate these situations effectively.


Our website offers information on different types of employment disputes or conflicts that students may face, including issues related to discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, breach of contract, or wage disputes. We provide general information on students’ rights and responsibilities and the legal frameworks and policies that govern employment relationships in educational institutions.


Our website also provides practical resources to address employment disputes or conflicts. These may include sample letters, templates, and forms that you can use to communicate with your employer or educational institution. We also guide how to resolve disputes informally through negotiation, mediation, or alternative dispute resolution methods. If informal resolution methods do not work, we provide information on formal legal processes, such as filing complaints.


At the Student Dispute Resolutions website, we understand that employment disputes or conflicts can significantly impact your education and well-being. We are committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information and resources to help you navigate these situations effectively and seek resolution fairly and on time.


Please note that the information on our website is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. If you are facing an employment dispute or conflict, we recommend seeking legal advice from a qualified attorney or other appropriate professional.


We hope our website can be a valuable resource for resolving employment disputes or conflicts during your time as a student. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our primary goal is to provide students with guidance and resources to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively. While we strive to offer support and assistance, there may be instances where a dispute’s complexity or legal nature requires specialized legal expertise beyond the scope of our services. In such


cases, we may refer students to other legal or pro bono firms better equipped to address their specific situation.


These referrals may involve directing students to local law firms specializing in housing or tenant rights or pro bono organizations offering free or low-cost legal services to needy individuals. We may provide students with contact information or website links to these resources, allowing them to seek professional legal advice and representation to resolve their disputes.


It’s important to note that referral to external legal firms or pro bono organizations does not constitute endorsement or guarantee of their services. Students should thoroughly research and evaluate any legal firm or organization they refer to, and make their own decision based on their needs and circumstances. We recommend that students inquire about the qualifications, experience, and fees (if applicable) of the legal firms or pro bono organizations they are considering and clarify any questions or concerns before proceeding with legal assistance.


We may also refer students to general documentation and processes, such as school policies, local housing laws, and resources available through the school’s housing office or student affairs department. These resources may guide handling common disputes and navigating the legal and administrative processes.


We aim to support students in resolving their disputes through various means, including mediation, communication, and documentation. However, we recognize that some disputes may require legal expertise, and we are committed to providing appropriate referrals to help students access the legal assistance they may need.


While we strive to offer comprehensive dispute resolution services, we acknowledge that certain disputes may require specialized legal expertise. We may refer students to other legal firms or pro bono organizations and guide general documentation and processes to better assist them in resolving their disputes and achieving a fair resolution.