About SDR

Student Dispute Resolutions (SDR), is an organization dedicated to helping students resolve conflicts and disputes fairly, effectively, and timely. SDR provides dispute resolution services and resources to students across Canada, including mediation, negotiation, and conciliation services. SDR is dedicated to promoting awareness and education about dispute resolution and providing students with the tools and resources to manage conflicts constructively and effectively.

We understand that every dispute is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to resolving conflicts. That is why our organization provides a range of resources and strategies to help students address their disputes in a way that works best for them. Our resources include step-by-step guides, tips for effective communication, and links to external resources and campus services that can provide additional support.

At SDR believe that effective dispute resolution is essential for creating a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. By providing guidance and resources for resolving conflicts, we hope to empower students to actively resolve their disputes and build stronger relationships with their peers.

Whether you are dealing with a roommate conflict, an interpersonal dispute, or any other type, our website is here to help. We believe that with the right tools and guidance, any dispute can be resolved in a way that promotes understanding, respect, and positive relationships. Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope you find our resources helpful!