Our Process

At the Student Dispute Resolutions company, we understand that disputes and conflicts can arise between students and that finding effective and sustainable solutions can be challenging. That’s why we offer a comprehensive and supportive dispute resolution process to help students work through their issues and reach positive resolutions.

Our process begins with a thorough dispute assessment, allowing us to deeply understand the underlying issues and concerns. From there, we may facilitate mediation between the parties involved, helping them to communicate effectively and work towards a mutually agreeable solution. Throughout the process, we provide guidance, support, and emotional encouragement to help students stay motivated and focused on achieving a positive outcome.

Our process is grounded in collaboration, empathy, and understanding principles, and we work closely with students to develop their conflict-resolution skills and abilities. Providing a safe and supportive environment to address disputes, we help students build the tools and confidence they need to navigate future conflicts successfully.

At the heart of our process is a commitment to providing personalized and effective support to each student we work with. Whether the dispute is minor or complex, we are dedicated to helping students find a resolution that meets their needs and interests. By partnering with the Student Dispute Resolutions company, students can feel confident they will receive the guidance, support, and tools they need to resolve their disputes and move forward effectively.


I.  Assessment:

The first step in the Student Dispute Resolutions company's process is to assess the nature and severity of the dispute. This may involve gathering information from the parties involved and any relevant documentation or evidence. The assessment aims to thoroughly understand the issues and concerns underlying the dispute and the perspectives and needs of each party involved.

II.  Mediation:

If appropriate, the Student Dispute Resolutions company may facilitate mediation between the parties involved. Mediation involves a neutral third party, such as a trained mediator, helping the parties to communicate effectively and work towards a mutually agreeable solution. The mediator may meet with the parties individually or together and use various techniques and strategies to help them identify and address the underlying issues contributing to the dispute. Mediation aims to foster understanding and collaboration and help the parties reach a resolution that meets their needs and interests.

III.   Guidance and support:

Throughout the dispute resolution process, the Student Dispute Resolutions company provides guidance and support to help students navigate the process and address any challenges or obstacles that may arise. This may involve providing information and resources on effective communication and conflict resolution strategies and helping students develop and practice these skills. The Student Dispute Resolutions company may also provide emotional support and encouragement, helping students to stay motivated and focused on reaching a positive resolution.

IV. Follow-up and evaluation:

Once the dispute has been resolved, the Student Dispute Resolutions company may follow up with the parties involved to ensure the resolution works effectively and identify any further needs or concerns. This may involve periodically checking in with the parties to assess their satisfaction with the resolution and offering additional support or guidance if needed. The Student Dispute Resolutions company may also evaluate its process's effectiveness, gathering client feedback and using this information to improve its services continuously. If needed, we may request further information or evidence to help support your claim.


Our process is designed to be thorough, supportive, and tailored to the unique needs of each student. We strive to provide personalized guidance, mediation services, documentation assistance, and referrals to legal experts or pro bono organizations, as needed, to ensure that students have the necessary resources and support to resolve their disputes effectively.